Supporting the Guyanese Family Medicine Residency

Since 2022, the Guyanese Diaspora Charity (GDC) has been supporting the Guyana Family Medicine Residency – both residents and faculty, in a variety of ways. Through the work of its Project Manager Shiva Rahman, the GDC has provided medical equipment, computers, books, other educational resources, and membership to the American Academy of Family Physicians and the STFM (Official) Society of Teachers of Family Medicine.

In addition to supervising residents in a variety of Health Centres at Buxton, Festival City, and Eccles, etc., as they saw patients, the GDC’s President Dr. Mirza I. Rahman, M.D., M.P.H. has lectured in the Family Medicine Residency program on multiple occasions, both in person and via Zoom, on a variety of topics. These have included lectures on the Social Determinants of Health, narrative medicine, presentation skills, pharmacovigilance, heart failure, and osteoarthritis, plus he has conducted a Brief Action Planning workshop, where the residents focused on dealing with stress and how to mitigate its effects.


Building a Library in Guyana


Computer Donations